Wednesday, August 15, 2012

she said god was in the rain

My Dr. Suessy song for a day at the park...

Today I needed something
so I ran after the rain
but it was quick and it was clever--
took to hiding when I came

So I tiptoed through the grass and dirt
kicked prickers and dead leaves
brushed fingertips to speckled bricks
stood under dripping trees

A kid again, I tightrope walked
the cracks that webbed the ground
itching for the impractical
I sent prayers to God and clouds

I dare you!
No, I need you please
don't leave me dry and high
above the Hudson looking out
at jagged concrete sky

By now the sun was inching through
draining magic from my plan
But still I trudged through stale puddles
and, just in case, held out my hand

After thirteen songs, six bicyclers,
two catcalls and four moms
I decided this just wasn't it
and began the journey home

I was all the way to the corner
where the city meets the green
when I felt a drop, then two, then ten
then infinity hitting me

And suddenly the park was mine
bikers and moms all gone away
I turned around, face to the flood
danced laughing through my rain

The only other soul in the aquarium
(I swear that this is real)
was an old man in a tanktop on rollerblades
leaving ripples at his heels

We swam, the two of us, in a suspended world
and I knew he, like me, had waited
for a storm like this that would drench the brave
breaking lines of shoes and ages

Because in a storm you're just a kid
and that's all that you can be
out in a world that'll fall on you
if you wait impatiently

Friday, August 3, 2012

Seeking a Friend for the Beginning of the World

Two recent college grads seek platonic relationships on the upper west side. Non-smoking. Non-boring. Pets preferred.

Seeking someone who is kind, but not too happy. Likes books, but not pretentious. Likes God, but doesn't go door to door. Preferably single, 18-28, attractive (but not hotter than us).

Looking for supplements to friends on the west coast. Friends who were partial to the nose-boop form of affection, some who thought it was cool to read poems out loud, some who would rather read reddit posts. Some who would make us coffee in the mornings with just the right amount of creamer and share their spoons. Others who would brew a whole pot, then let it sit there day after day, microwaving cups full until it ran out. Friends who would make fun of professors. Friends who were professors. Friends who liked to climb on roofs and listen to indie music. Friends who looked good on the dance floor; some who could read our minds. Friends who ate entirely too many cupcakes. Friends who spoke the rare dialect of gersberms. A few who understood the vast metaphorical implications of Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Some who wrote romantic letters in cursive and some whose chemistry notes were pretty much illegible. Friends who would leave post-its on our desks when we were having bad days and friends who would drive us around all night until we felt normal again. Some who are unforgettable; most who are irreplaceable.

But please contact us if you're willing to try.